Rachel Rossano is a happily married mother of three children. She spends her days teaching, mothering, and keeping the chaos at bay. After the children are in bed, she immerses herself in the fantasy worlds of her books.
Tales of romance, adventure, and virtue set in a medieval fantasy world are her preference, but she also writes speculative fantasy and a bit of science fiction.
Tales of romance, adventure, and virtue set in a medieval fantasy world are her preference, but she also writes speculative fantasy and a bit of science fiction.
The royal wedding approaches and the country is alive with anticipation.
Among the craftsmen traveling to the capital is Constance Rendare and her family. An artist, a widow of an unhappy marriage, and the mother of a young son, she dreams of escaping the cruel servitude of her father’s household.
Wilard Naron serves the Earl of Dentin. He returns to the capital, his childhood home, to collect his earnings and finally free himself from his father’s reputation.
Kidnappings, bandits, and a plot against the king complicate the journey. The conflicts throw Constance and Wilard together as their circumstances grow steadily worse. The more the pair uncovers, the direr the future looks for the country and for them.

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Top Ten List:
I have always been a romantic, not the loose flowy dresses and head in the clouds kind, though. I am more of the optimistic/realistic, happy ending seeking, seeing how two people could be great together kind of person.
Yes, I write other genres. I have a two books of a speculative fantasy trilogy published, and I am working on a science fiction saga that is a prequel to a short story available on Amazon.
2.How long does it take you to write a book, typically?
It depends. Typically, I would say it takes me about a year, but my shortest period took eight months. My longest project demanded more than a decade, so it depends. I definitely aim for finishing in a year.
3.Since a lot of romance books show both male and female perspectives, share with us the most difficult thing about writing the perspective of the opposite gender?
Men see the world differently than women. They tend to be more action focused and less feelings focused, but they definitely feel as well. Writing from a man’s perspective can be especially difficult if the character is unwilling to admit they are emotionally involved. However, there are ways around it. Thankfully, my husband is very good at pointing out when my male characters aren’t acting logically enough.
4.What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Hmm… According to my readers, I am good at writing interesting male characters. A recent reviewer commented on how much she liked my characters’ banter. I also tend to write secondary and tertiary characters who then end up with their own stories or, as in the case of the Earl of Dentin, take over the whole series.
5.Tell us a bit about a future project you are working on? Do you have any little sneak peeks you can share?
Currently, my project is a nine book series loosely inspired by fairy tales. The Beauty and the Beast novel is written and partially edited. I am wrapping up a mashup between Rapunzel and East of the Sun West of the Moon. Next, I am debating writing one inspired by the Month Brothers or a completely new idea called Constant Companion.
Next on my writing list, though, is the Fourth Novel of Rhynan. It doesn’t have a title yet, but it involves a mysterious character from Mercy and a yoeman’s daughter as they work to protect the infant prince. Dentin is also involved, of course.
A sneak peek from Grace by Contract, my Beauty and the Beast novel from the Duke of Brackenhurst’s point of view:
As I shoved open the heavy door to my workroom, I was surprised to find the room dark, a curtain pulled across the window blocking out the pre-dawn glow and the fire burning low in the grate letting off a meager heat.
Muttering against whoever had blocked the room’s chief source of natural light, I thumped my way across the dim space without a thought to the fact I couldn’t see the obstacles in the dimness. Upon reaching the window, I tugged at the curtain.
It billowed and landed at my feet in a pool of green linen. Only then did I recognize it as one of the linen tablecloths that my father had spread on his worktables when the room had been his. Whoever had hung it hadn’t even secured it.
I leaned over to pluck it from the floor before I recalled my injury. Pain laced through my knee, sending me scrambling with my handless left arm for a chair to prevent a total loss of dignity. One was within reach. I fell into it.
It was then I spotted her.
Three tables away Grace sat in my customary chair, head resting on her crossed arms as they lay on the open log book before her. With her face turned away from the window, I could only see the waves of unbound hair cascading over my book, desk, and blotter. Something in my gut twisted in a strange mixture of desire and irritation. Why was she here and not in her bed? Who had hung the makeshift curtain? She wouldn’t have been able to even with the increased height of standing on a chair.
As I sat there, temporarily enraptured with watching the rise and the fall of her shoulders beneath the luxurious waves of hair, I wondered what to do. Part of me wanted to let her sleep and regretted that I had risked disturbing her rest by removing the curtain.
Another part of me wished to wake her and demand to know what she had been doing with my record books. They were definitely not within the scope of her position as my scribe. She was supposed to be writing and reading letters for me, not messing with accounts. Those were under Faramond’s and Rambler’s purview.
Then there was the issue of working around her if she didn’t wake.
6.What is the most romantic date you have ever been on? Or, what is your idea of the perfect Valentine Date?
My husband, knowing how much I love Jane Austen movies, arranged to surprise me with a birthday viewing of Pride and Prejudice (the Kiera Knightley version) in a second run theater after I had given up hope of seeing it in theaters. Then he watched it with me and discussed it during dinner after the movie.
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