Review: Morgue: A Life in Death - Dr. Vincent DiMaio and Ron Franscell - May 2016
On the lunchbreaks at work, you can often find people reading and every now and again one of their books might catch your eye. A work colleague of mine was reading Morgue: A Life if Death and it sounded interesting especially since lately I have been back on a death buzz as such after reading a few more mysteries and a non-fiction book written by a ME called Do My Cats Eat my Eyeballs ? which was questions about death. I have always been fascinated with the forensics side of death and always thought it would have been an amazing career to have gone into though of course I have a weak stomach, so I wouldn't have been able to handle all the gross smells etc. In this book, we follow through the career of Dr. Vincent DiMaio and some of the famous cases that he has worked on from the shooting of Trayvon Martin when he was killed by George Zimmerman. I remembered hearing this case as it made the news in New Zealand and then when the book THUG - The Hate U Give was released it made me think of the case again, to historical cases like the Martha Woods infanticide case - reading this one shocked me as I can never understand why people would kill babies but as I read it, I understood her craziness and how she was killed to play the hero and the role of the "so-called perfect mother" to the Killer Nurse as well. Then onto one of the most famous cases of all time - the shooting of JFK and the exhumation of Lee Harvey Oswald and the conspiracy that he was a Russian Doppelganger named Alec - when I was in Dallas in 2013 with one of my best friends - we stood on the X and saw Dealy Plaza, so reading this section brought back some memories and I was like I've been there.
Morgue: A Life in Death was the perfect read for those who love forensics as it was half memoir and half murder cases etc. The perfect mix of storytelling.

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