by Angela Carling
Paperback, 204 pages
Published June 1st 2012 by acacia publishing
After shy, quiet Lucy and her family move from their small hometown in Minnesota to Seattle, Washington, she is surprised when Ryan, the most popular boy at school, asks her out. Soon, she is swept up in a whirlwind romance and her naive and trusting nature allows her to fall head over heels in love with her too-good-to-be-true suitor. Suddenly, Lucy finds herself enraptured by the excitement of her new relationship, leaving her blinded to the warning signs of danger ahead. Can her fairy tale romance last, or will she find that her prince charming is more like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
As many of you know, Contemporaries are not something I tend to venture into when it comes to reviewing. However when Angela inquired about me reviewing shackled, and shared information about Respect month, I felt like this was something bigger than just me not liking many contemporaries.
I am so glad that I did not pass on reading this one.
Shackled had me duped. Of course, I had read the description, so really.. I should have expected it. But it sucked me in and had me wishing for this couple to work... oh how I take that back.
Shackled is a wonderful example of how things are not always as they appear. Honest and heartbreaking, Shackled shows how easy it is to let someone control you.. and still believe it's ok.
I found myself really relating to Lucy and her quiet innocent nature.... so it was easy for me to fall for Ryan. However, unlike Lucy.. I caught on to the warning signs of things NOT being like a fairy tale.
I got .. enraged. I cried. I shook my head at her stupidity. And imagined myself slapping Ryan and his Dad right in the face. Shackled latched onto my emotions and didn't let go.
At times.. some of the things that happened felt unbelievable. But then I really thought about it.. and realized just how easy it is for some people to accept these things as just.. part of your life. Shackled is REAL. It's happening everywhere.. and that made my heart break even more as I read this book.
- Time for some delving into my personal life and being honest:
I didn't expect for Shackled to effect me as much as it did. But it really made me sit and think. And I realized there were some parts in my own relationship that were .. not OK. ( i'm fine guys- nothing as bad as Lucy ) But it caused me to pause.. and talk. And cry. and start to realize that some things in my life need to change.
So not only am I HIGHLY recommending this book. I would like to thank Angela Carling for giving me the opportunity to read it, share it with the world, and for making me take a good look at my own relationship and see the cracks.
Even if you don't think you will personally relate to the story- sometimes that can be hard to take. Shackled shows you warning signs - hidden between the pages of a amazing story- that may allow you to help someone else.
Here are my thoughts on Goodreads directly after finishing:
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