It's been quite awhile since I have done a mailbox post ! So here is what I have gotten in the course of the last 2 months- Not counting my random Nook book buys!
( Click the Small images below to be taken to the Books Goodreads page! )
I always feel honored when an author sends me their book directly from them, and The Forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse is no exception! My review is already up on the blog and you DEFINITELY need to go check it out!
Read my Review of the Forsaken !
Read my Review of the Forsaken !
A HUGE thank you to St.Martins Press :) Not only did I receive Wake by Amanda Hocking from them, but ALSO Time Untime by Sherrilyn Kenyon! She is my FAVORITE Paranormal Romance author. This will be my first non-YA Review book and I am so excited! At the last minute I also received Glitch by Heather Anastasiu ! Already started and finished this one, and guys? I can't wait to write my review!
An Ear splitting THANK YOU to Spencer Hill Press for sending me Deity and Cursed By Jennifer L. Armentrout! Prepare for some epic reviews ;)
Also a big thank you to Random Buzzers! I am an Ambuzzador this summer and received this wonderful package with The Book Of Blood and Shadow by Robin Wasserman.

And last but in NO WAY least. A big thank you to Epic reads for sending me Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson! I have already started this one and am LOVING it.
Gifted/ Won
I was lucky enough to Win Endlessly by Kiersten White through an Epic Reads giveaway!
I can't wait to dive in!

I also Won a copy of Reveal from the amazing author herself- Brina Courtney ! I was also given a copy of Reveal and Capture for review, and you should really go check out my thoughts!
Read my review of Reveal!
Read my review of Capture!
Dark Eden by Patrick Carmen was Gifted to me by the amazing Jessirae over at Words, Pages and Books .. Seriously. She is awesome. Check out her blog!
And finally,
I was gifted a copy of ReVamped by Ada Adams straight from her lovely self! I am so happy to have this on my shelf! I was also gifted an e-copy earlier on and my review can be found below!
Read my review of ReVamped!
What have you guys received lately that you are excited about? Did I receive anything that you Loved? Hated?
Or Can't wait for!?
Feel free to leave links in the comments and I will visit you back!
In related bookish news :
I received my blank t-shirt order!!
Why does this matter you ask?
Because it means I can make things like This!
These shirts can now be found on my etsy shop!
Bookish Designs
If you want to order a shirt feel free to use the code OPENINGWEEK to get 20% till the 7th!
( will ship internationally! )
I was lucky enough to Win Endlessly by Kiersten White through an Epic Reads giveaway!
I can't wait to dive in!
I also Won a copy of Reveal from the amazing author herself- Brina Courtney ! I was also given a copy of Reveal and Capture for review, and you should really go check out my thoughts!
Read my review of Reveal!
Read my review of Capture!
Dark Eden by Patrick Carmen was Gifted to me by the amazing Jessirae over at Words, Pages and Books .. Seriously. She is awesome. Check out her blog!
I was gifted a copy of ReVamped by Ada Adams straight from her lovely self! I am so happy to have this on my shelf! I was also gifted an e-copy earlier on and my review can be found below!
Read my review of ReVamped!
What have you guys received lately that you are excited about? Did I receive anything that you Loved? Hated?
Or Can't wait for!?
Feel free to leave links in the comments and I will visit you back!
In related bookish news :
I received my blank t-shirt order!!
Why does this matter you ask?
Because it means I can make things like This!
These shirts can now be found on my etsy shop!
Bookish Designs
If you want to order a shirt feel free to use the code OPENINGWEEK to get 20% till the 7th!
( will ship internationally! )
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